Research interests

I am broadly interested in quantum chemistry and its applications to model properties of molecules, in particular the ones involving heavy elements, responding to various perturbations and interacting with other molecules in the environment.

I am particularly enthusiastic about combining data science and computer science with chemistry. At the intersection of these domains I am looking for ways to improve computational quantum chemistry workflows, as well as for new methods contributing to a deeper understanding of the behavior of molecular systems in complex environments and under perturbations.

Current research projects:

Research funding:

Computational grants:

PL-Grid Infrastructure, Poland
CPU: 1 095 000 + 1 000 000 hours
Date: III 2020 - III 2021, X 2020 - X 2021

PL-Grid Infrastructure, Poland
CPU: 1 000 000 + 250 000 hours + 250 000 hours
Date: X 2021 - X 2022, X 2022 - X 2023, X 2023 - X 2024